
Epopée Balkanique / 21-25 septembre 2024

Travel workshop in Bosnia

September 21-25, 2024

The photography trip to Bosnia (Sarajevo and Mostar) with photographer Didier Ruef is a unique opportunity to develop your photography skills and capture extraordinary images in one of the most evocative places in the Balkans.

Albania: tra i murales e il martello

Travel workshop in Albania

September 28 – October 6, 2024

The photography trip to Albanial with photographer Didier Ruef is a unique opportunity to develop your photography skills and capture extraordinary images in one of the most evocative places in Southern Europe.


A visual diary during COVID

The book is a photographer’s personal visual diary that covers one year. Didier Ruef offers 366 images – one photo per day for 2020 which had turned from an ordinary to an extraordinary year with the arrival of an unexpected guest- the SARS-CoV-2.

FOTO Cult On Air – 2023

FOTO Cult On Air – 2023

An interview by Jessica Barresi on FOTO Cult On Air by on September 13th, 2023 about documentary, street photography and travel workshops with viaggifotografici.ch.

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Cicero – Töten als Programm

Cicero – Töten als Programm

On the latest issue (December 2022) of Cicero, you can look at the reportage we did with the journalist Harald Maass about “The war of the future. Killer Robots: How Artificial Intelligence (AI) and autonomous systems are transforming modern warfare”.

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