
Afrique Noire on sale at Salon du Livre, Genève

Mar 10, 2024 | Book, News, Photography | 0 comments

My book Afrique Noire is on sale at Salon du Livre, Genève. Don’t be shy and offer the book as gift to your friends.

Afrique Noire (click image to enlarge)

Afrique Noire © 2024 Didier Ruef

The book Afrique Noire by Infolio Editions in French language with a foreword written by Joseph Ki-Zerbo and an afterword by Ali A. Mazrui.

Infolio Editions
Hardback book
154 duplex B&W photographs
22×28 cm, 192 pages
CHF 64.-
ISBN 2-88474-010-4

The book Afrique Noire can be bought on www.didierruef.com


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