On the web site of the National Geographic France from March 23, 2023 a picture from Kerenek, West Darfur, Sudan.
Search results:
The Atlantic / The Friends Who Are Caring for Each Other in Older Age
« The Friends Who Are Caring for Each Other in Older Age» in The Atlantic from February 12, 2024, with a picture shot in Bordighera ( Liguria Region, Italy).
Echo Magazine / Congo – Brazzaville. Tradition culinaire risquée
On the issue (October 31st, 2024) of Echo Magazine, you can look at my reportage on the cover and six pages about “Bushmeat” in the Congo Republic.
Bilan – Un spectaculaire bâtiment abritera un musée privé de l’automobile
On the web issue (November 12th, 2022) of Bilan, you can look at my pictures about a private Automobile Museum in Pregny-Chambésy (Switzerland).
Azione – In Congo, a caccia di pipistrelli
On the issue (September 30th, 2024) of Azione, you can look at the reportage about Bushmeat in the Congo Republic.
Prangins. Swiss National Museum. Swiss Press Photo 2023
The Swiss Press Photo 2023 is exhibited at Prangins, Swiss National Museum.
FOTO Cult On Air – 2023
An interview by Jessica Barresi on FOTO Cult On Air by on September 13th, 2023 about documentary, street photography and travel workshops with viaggifotografici.ch.
Swissinfo – Geneva / Stuart Russell “In 2023 governments woke up to the realities of AI”
On the web site of Swissinfo from July 9th, 2023, you can look at the portraits of Stuart Russell, a British computer scientist known for his contributions to artificial intelligence (AI), shot in Geneva, Switzerland.
Écho Magazine – Tessin. A l’écoute du handicap depuis 45 ans
On the latest issue (June 6th, 2023) of Écho Magazine, you can look at my reportage on six pages about Fondazione Diamante and Disabled People, Ticino State in Switzerland.
Cicero – Töten als Programm
On the latest issue (December 2022) of Cicero, you can look at the reportage we did with the journalist Harald Maass about “The war of the future. Killer Robots: How Artificial Intelligence (AI) and autonomous systems are transforming modern warfare”.
L’illustré – Scout un jour… Scout pour toujours !
On the latest issue (August 10th, 2022) of L’illustré, you can look at my reportage on six pages about the national “mova”jamboree of the Swiss Scout Movement in the Goms valley, Valais State in Switzerland.
Écho Magazine – Tessin. Les forces spéciales à l’assaut !
On the latest issue (May 26th, 2022) of Écho Magazine, you can look at the six pages’ reportage about Special Intervention Unit,Ticino State Police (Switzerland).
Azione – Operazione Timone
On the latest issue (May 23rd, 2022) of Azione, you can look at the reportage about Special Intervention Unit,Ticino State Police (Switzerland).
Écho Magazine – Italie / Tessin. Campione mise à nouveau sur son casino
On the latest issue (April 26th, 2022) of Écho Magazine, you can look at the reportage I did about the rebirth of Campione d’Italia.
Choisir – «1986, la catastrophe nucléaire de Tchernobyl».
On the website (April 26th, 2022) of Choisir, you can look at the reportage I did in 2006 about the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in Ukraine and Belarus.