On the latest issue (March 3, 2022) of L’illustré, you can look at my reportage “L’année de la grande vidange au Val Verzasca” on Verzasca Dam and its empty reservoir in the canton Ticino, Switzerland.
Search results:
Heidi News – Une année particulière en images
On the web (March 3, 2022) of Heidi News, an article about my book 2020.
Le Temps – Didier Ruef, l’année 2020 en 366 poses en noir et blanc
On the web (February 21st, 2022) of Le Temps, an article about my book 2020.
Area – 2020
On the issue (January 21st, 2022) of Area, an article written by Claudio Carrer about my book 2020.
Bilan – Didier Ruef raconte 2020 en 366 images noires et blanches
On the issue (January 12th, 2022) of Bilan, an article about my book 2020.
RTS La1ère Le Grand Soir – 2020
An interview by Mélanie Croubalian and Eric Grosjean on Radio RTS La1ère, Le Grand Soir, on January 10th, 2022 about my new book 2020.
Neue Zürcher Zeitung – 2020
On the website (December 6th, 2021) of Neue Zürcher Zeitung, an article about my book 2020.
RTS TJ 12h45 – 2020
The photographer Didier Ruef presents his book 2020 at the RTS TJ 12h45, Swiss French Television, on December 6th, 2021.
RSI Rete Uno, Millevoci – 2020
An interview by Isabella Visetti and Elena Caresani on RSI Rete Uno, Millevoci, on December 1st 2021 about my book 2020 published by Till Schaap Edition.
RSI La1 Turné – An interview about 2020
The photographer Didier Ruef presents his book 2020 at RSI La 1 – Quotidiano, Turné, of Swiss Italian Television on November 21th, 2021.
L’Illustré – 2020
On the issue (November 10th, 2021) of L’illustré, a short notice on my book 2020.
Aeon – This riotous life
On November 18th 2021, Aeon published online my picture shot at the Dinosaur Museum in Aathal, Switzerland.
Le Matin Dimanche – 2020, odyssée terrestre
On the 14th November 2021, you can read the article written in Le Matin Dimanche about my book 2020.
Tribune de Genève – Didier Ruef raconte l’an 2020 au gré d’un cliché quotidien
On the 13th November 2021, you can read the article written by Irène Languin in Tribune de Genève about my book 2020.
2020 on sale at Fnac Genève Rive
My book 2020 is on sale at Fnac Genève Rive in Downtown Geneva. Don’t be shy and offer the book as gift to your friends