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The book is a photographer’s personal visual diary that covers one year. Didier Ruef offers 366 images - one photo per day for 2020 which had turned from an ordinary to an extraordinary year with the arrival of an unexpected guest- the SARS-CoV-2. 2020. Didier Ruef....

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Homo Helveticus

Homo Helveticus

The book Homo Helveticus by Till Schaap Edition with a foreword written by Thomas Maissen in german, french and english languages. Homo Helveticus is about Switzerland. Everything you've always wanted to know about the country, just differently. A look without...

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Recycle Deluxe Collector DE / IT

Recycle Deluxe Collector DE / IT

Recycle Deluxe Collectors Edition 25 copies of Recycle by Edizioni Casagrande (italian-german languages). The book is in a handmade cloth bound box with an original inkjet print 20x29 cm. The print is a limited 25 editions of a picture which is part of the project,...

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Recycle DE / IT

Recycle DE / IT

Carried out between 1991 and 2008 on the themes of waste and recycling, Didier Ruef captured a variety of situations which reveals the face of humanity behind the waste it produces, recycles or has to endure. The work of a committed photographer, which urge the reader...

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Afrika, letzte Hoffnung

Afrika, letzte Hoffnung

Pier Paolo Pasolini - Afrika, letzte Hoffnung "Pasolini bleibt ein Faszinosum", sagte Maike Albath kürzlich in der Neue Zürcher Zeitung - diesem Faszinosum bleiben wir auch mit dem dritten Band unserer Pasolini-Renaissance-Ausgabe auf der Spur. Nach Rom, andere Stadt...

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Bauern am Berg

Bauern am Berg

The project about Swiss Alpine Farmers became in 1998 a book published in Switzerland by three different editors: Bauern am Berg, Offizin Zürich Verlags-AG. Paysans de nos montagnes, Editions Monographic, Sierre. Vita di montagna. Edizioni Casagrande, Bellinzona. 24 x...

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