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The book is a photographer’s personal visual diary that covers one year. Didier Ruef offers 366 images - one photo per day for 2020 which had turned from an ordinary to an extraordinary year with the arrival of an unexpected guest- the SARS-CoV-2. 2020. Didier Ruef....

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Homo Helveticus

Homo Helveticus

The book Homo Helveticus by Till Schaap Edition with a foreword written by Thomas Maissen in german, french and english languages. Homo Helveticus is about Switzerland. Everything you've always wanted to know about the country, just differently. A look without...

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Senegal. From Saint-Louis to Dakar. June 15-23, 2024

Senegal. From Saint-Louis to Dakar. June 15-23, 2024

Even if the photographer, the coordinator and the guide also speak English, the trip-workshop will be mainly in Italian. If you are still interested, do not hesitate to contact us. Il viaggio fotografico in Senegal con il fotografo Didier Ruef è un’opportunità unica...

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Recycle Deluxe Collector EN / FR

Recycle Deluxe Collector EN / FR

Recycle Deluxe Collectors Edition 25 copies of Recycle by Labor et Fides (french-english languages). The book is in a handmade cloth bound box with an original inkjet print 20x29 cm. The print is a limited 25 editions of a picture which is part of the project, but not...

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Recycle EN / FR

Recycle EN / FR

Carried out between 1991 and 2008 on the themes of waste and recycling, Didier Ruef captured a variety of situations which reveals the face of humanity behind the waste it produces, recycles or has to endure. The work of a committed photographer, which urge the reader...

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Recycle Deluxe Collector DE / IT

Recycle Deluxe Collector DE / IT

Recycle Deluxe Collectors Edition 25 copies of Recycle by Edizioni Casagrande (italian-german languages). The book is in a handmade cloth bound box with an original inkjet print 20x29 cm. The print is a limited 25 editions of a picture which is part of the project,...

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Recycle DE / IT

Recycle DE / IT

Carried out between 1991 and 2008 on the themes of waste and recycling, Didier Ruef captured a variety of situations which reveals the face of humanity behind the waste it produces, recycles or has to endure. The work of a committed photographer, which urge the reader...

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Afrique Noire

Afrique Noire

L'Afrique, terre d'incursions, d'expéditions, de razzias et de guerres civiles. L'Afrique où les maux de civilisation semblent enkystés, fixés comme en négatif de notre époque. Sur cette terre malmenée, des Africains vifs, vivants, vivaces, toujours renaissants....

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Afrika, letzte Hoffnung

Afrika, letzte Hoffnung

Pier Paolo Pasolini - Afrika, letzte Hoffnung "Pasolini bleibt ein Faszinosum", sagte Maike Albath kürzlich in der Neue Zürcher Zeitung - diesem Faszinosum bleiben wir auch mit dem dritten Band unserer Pasolini-Renaissance-Ausgabe auf der Spur. Nach Rom, andere Stadt...

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