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Epopée Balkanique / 21-25 septembre 2024

Epopée Balkanique / 21-25 septembre 2024

"Sarajevo - Mostar: Epopée Balkanique / 21-25 septembre 2024 " GÉO-DÉCOUVERTE - Voyage photographique 21-25 septembre 2024. Dès CHF 2’350.- VILLES ◆ HISTOIRE ◆ CULTURES Sarajevo & Mostar, symboles meurtris de notre histoire commune, n’ont pourtant pas d’égal...

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Visual Storytelling: the Art of Reportage

Visual Storytelling: the Art of Reportage

Storytelling is what man has done since he started to draw sketches about daily life on walls’ caves. Today we have the chance to have in our hands a wonderful and powerful photo camera to express ourselves, how we feel and to look at our surrounding world. The...

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