On the web site of the National Geographic France from March 23, 2023 a picture from Kerenek, West Darfur, Sudan.
Search results:
Echo Magazine / Congo – Brazzaville. Tradition culinaire risquée
On the issue (October 31st, 2024) of Echo Magazine, you can look at my reportage on the cover and six pages about “Bushmeat” in the Congo Republic.
Azione – In Congo, a caccia di pipistrelli
On the issue (September 30th, 2024) of Azione, you can look at the reportage about Bushmeat in the Congo Republic.
Afrique Noire on sale at Salon du Livre, Genève
My book Afrique Noire is on sale at Salon du Livre, Genève. Don’t be shy and offer the book as gift to your friends.
Choisir – Au nom de Dieu: le Biafra aujourd’hui
On the latest issue (June – September 2020) of Choisir, you can look at my reportage in Biafra, Nigeria.
Swiss Press Photo 20 – Nigeria / Azione
I have just received the book Swiss Press Photo 20 with my pictures shot in in Nigeria. The reportage was published by Azione about “Biafra today, fifty years after the war”.
Swissinfo – A Nigerian with a dream becomes a priest in Switzerland
On the web site of Swissinfo from January 11th 2020, you can look at my reportage on Father Gerald Ani, a Nigerian with a dream who becomes a priest in Switzerland.
Écho Magazine – Au Biafra, Dieu est partout
On the issue (September 12, 2019) of Écho Magazine, you can look at the cover and six pages on my reportage in Nigeria on “Au Biafra, Dieu est partout”.
L’illustré – Avec le Révérend Chukwudi
On the latest issue (December 2nd, 2019) of L’illustré, you can look at my reportage in Nigeria on “Avec le Révérend Chukwudi, de sa paroisse tessinoise à son Nigeria natal”
Azione – Il Biafra ai nostri giorni
On the latest issue (December 2nd, 2019) of Azione, you can look at my reportage in Nigeria on “Biafra today, fifty years after the war”.
Azione – Guidati della fede
On the latest issue (September 17, 2018) of Azione, you can look at my reportage on African Catholic Priests in Lugano, Canton Ticino, Switzerland.
Le Courrier – L’impossible rencontre entre un piano et des tribus africaines
On the latest issue of Le Courrier, you can look at one pages on the Caravan of Love in Ethiopia
UN News Centre – Eritrea debe pasar a ser una prioridad de la Agenda 2030
On the web site of UN (United Nations) News Centre from July 13, 2017, a picture shot in Eritrea for The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.
RSI ReteDue – Education is the future of mankind
A radio comment about the image "Education is the future of mankind". [Moby Dick, RSI Rete 2 – June 3rd, 2017]
Geneva – Salon du livre 2017 Géo-Découverte
On Géo Découverte’s stall, two pictures by Didier Ruef from Ethiopia and India. The pictures are used to promote travel photographic workshops.