On the issue (September 12, 2019) of Écho Magazine, you can look at the cover and six pages on my reportage in Nigeria on “Au Biafra, Dieu est partout”.
Écho Magazine – Au Biafra, Dieu est partout
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On the issue (September 12, 2019) of Écho Magazine, you can look at the cover and six pages on my reportage in Nigeria on “Au Biafra, Dieu est partout”.
On the latest issue (December 2nd, 2019) of L’illustré, you can look at my reportage in Nigeria on “Avec le Révérend Chukwudi, de sa paroisse tessinoise à son Nigeria natal”
On the latest issue (March 28th, 2019) of Écho Magazine, you can look at my reportage on African priests in Ticino, Switzerland.
On the latest issue (September 17, 2018) of Azione, you can look at my reportage on African Catholic Priests in Lugano, Canton Ticino, Switzerland.