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Lecture – Università degli studi di Milano. Sostenibilità nel prisma della fotografia

Lecture – Università degli studi di Milano. Sostenibilità nel prisma della fotografia

I am invited to give a lecture about “Sostenibilità nel prisma della fotografia” on Monday the 12th of November 2018 at the Università degli studi di Milano. I will take about my book Recycle on the themes of waste, sustainability and recycling, where I captured a variety of situations revealing the face of humanity behind the waste it produces, recycles or has to endure.

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Master Class Academy of Arts, Novi Sad

Master Class Academy of Arts, Novi Sad

Thanks to the Mali Princ Foundation I was invited to teach a Master Class (Lecture and Portfolio Review) at the Academy of Arts, University of Novi Sad, Serbia. April 26-27, 2017.

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