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L’illustré – Val Verzasca

L’illustré – Val Verzasca

On the latest issue (March 3, 2022) of L’illustré, you can look at my reportage “L’année de la grande vidange au Val Verzasca” on Verzasca Dam and its empty reservoir in the canton Ticino, Switzerland.

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L’illustré – Rock’n’roll merlot !

L’illustré – Rock’n’roll merlot !

On the latest issue (October, 2019) of L’illustré (aldente #02 2019), you can look at my reportage about a Merlot wine dedicated to the Swiss rock band Gotthard for an unique vintage bottle: Magnificents’ 17.

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L’illustré – Exubérance Russe, Qualité Suisse

L’illustré – Exubérance Russe, Qualité Suisse

On the latest issue (September 13, 2017) of L’illustré, you can look at six pages on the renovation of the Orthodox Church in Geneva, Switzerland. "Exubérance Russe, Qualité Suisse" in L’illustré (PDF) More pictures on the website www.didierruef.com...

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LAC Lugano. Swiss Press Photo 2016

LAC Lugano. Swiss Press Photo 2016

The Swiss Press Photo 2016 is exhibited at the LAC Lugano Arte e Cultura. The curators have selected three pictures on Guns in America, from my reportage shot for the weekly Swiss french magazine L’illustré.

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L’illustré – Refoulés à la frontière

L’illustré – Refoulés à la frontière

"Refoulés à la frontière" in L'illustré (PDF) On the latest issue (August 17th, 2016) of L'illustré, you can look at six pages on African migrants in Como. More pictures on the website didierruef.com

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LAC Lugano. Swiss Press Photo 2015

LAC Lugano. Swiss Press Photo 2015

The Swiss Press Photo 2015 is exhibited at the LAC Lugano Arte e Cultura. The curators have selected four pictures on Narcotics squad in Neuchâtel, Switzerland, from my reportage shot for the weekly swiss french magazine L'illustré. You can look at the complete photo...

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