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Lecture – Università degli studi di Milano. Sostenibilità nel prisma della fotografia

Lecture – Università degli studi di Milano. Sostenibilità nel prisma della fotografia

I am invited to give a lecture about “Sostenibilità nel prisma della fotografia” on Monday the 12th of November 2018 at the Università degli studi di Milano. I will take about my book Recycle on the themes of waste, sustainability and recycling, where I captured a variety of situations revealing the face of humanity behind the waste it produces, recycles or has to endure.

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India – Sulle vie dell’illuminazione

India – Sulle vie dell’illuminazione

The curators from the exhibit “Sulle vie dell’illuminazione – Il mito dell’India nella cultura occidentale 1808–2017” have selected three pictures from my set on Alang ships scrapyard.
The collective photo exhibit takes place at the MASI (LAC Lugano Arte e Cultura) in Lugano (Switzerland) from September 23rd, 2017 to January 21st, 2018.

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Révélations. Photographies à Genève

Révélations. Photographies à Genève

The curators from the exhibit "Révélations. Photographies à Genève » have selected four pictures from my set on garbage collectors. The collective photo exhibit takes place at the Musée Rath in Geneva from May 27th to September 11th, 2016.

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Masterworks of Industrial photography

Masterworks of Industrial photography

I'm glad to be part of a book edited by MAST Foundation (Bologna, Italy) and curated by Urs Stahel about Masterworks of industrial photography. The book collects all the photographs shown during the first two years of the MAST photogallery exhibitions (2013-2014). The...

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Collective exhibition “Recycled”

Collective exhibition “Recycled”

From October 30th to November 15th at Villa Dutoit in Geneva (Switzerland). Download the flyer Baptiste Coulon, Gérard Lüthi, Dylan Perrenoud, Didier Ruef, Cyril Vandenbeusch Les quatre photographes de générations différentes nous proposent un regard varié sur la...

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“Recycle” at Ti-Riciclo 2015

“Recycle” at Ti-Riciclo 2015 Didier Ruef "Recycle" photo exhibit at Ti-Riciclo 2015 in Lugano, Switzerland.

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