The Swiss Press Photo 2023 is exhibited at Prangins, Swiss National Museum.
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Écho Magazine – Tessin. A l’écoute du handicap depuis 45 ans
On the latest issue (June 6th, 2023) of Écho Magazine, you can look at my reportage on six pages about Fondazione Diamante and Disabled People, Ticino State in Switzerland.
Le Temps – Star académique pour le Tessin
On the latest issue (17th February 2023) of Le Temps, you can look at the portrait I took of Luisa Lambertini, the new rector at USI (Università della Svizzera italiana)”.
Écho Magazine – Tessin. Les forces spéciales à l’assaut !
On the latest issue (May 26th, 2022) of Écho Magazine, you can look at the six pages’ reportage about Special Intervention Unit,Ticino State Police (Switzerland).
Azione – Operazione Timone
On the latest issue (May 23rd, 2022) of Azione, you can look at the reportage about Special Intervention Unit,Ticino State Police (Switzerland).
L’illustré – Val Verzasca
On the latest issue (March 3, 2022) of L’illustré, you can look at my reportage “L’année de la grande vidange au Val Verzasca” on Verzasca Dam and its empty reservoir in the canton Ticino, Switzerland.
Work – Kampfsport musst du schon können
On the 19th November 2021, you can look at my pictures about Manuela Peduzzi, a security agent, in Work.
Blick – En visite à Lugano chez Chris McSorley
On the latest issue (September 15th, 2021) of Blick, you can look at my portrait of Chris McSorley,the head coach of HC Lugano.
Le Courrier – La danse t’ouvre l’univers
On the latest issue (July 22, 2021) of Le Courrier, you can look at my reportage “La danse t’ouvre l’univers” on MOPS_DanceSyndrome in Switzerland.
Swiss Press Photo 21 – 3rd Prize Swiss Stories / MOPS_DanceSyndrome
I am thrilled to announce that I won the 3rd Prize Swiss Stories at the Swiss Press Photo 21 for my reportage on MOPS_DanceSyndrome. The reportage was published by L’Illustré, Azione, Echo Magazine and Swissinfo.
Azione – L’unione ri(ge)nera la forza dei sanitari
On the latest issue (November 30th, 2020) of Azione, you can look at the reportage I did with the journalist Maria Grazia Buletti in Ticino about Coronavirus, militia soldiers from medical troops of the Swiss Army and the intensive unit in hospitals.
L’illustré – Une troupe de danse unique en Europe. MOPS_DanceSyndrome
On the latest issue (November 25th, 2020) of L’illustré, you can look at my reportage “Une troupe de danse unique en Europe” on MOPS_DanceSyndrome in Switzerland.
MOPS_DanceSyndrome – Book
On the MOPS_DanceSyndrome website, you can order the book on the 15 years of life of the dance company, composed only of Down dancers. The book’s vernissage took place on September 26th 2020 at Monte Verità in Ascona, Ticino, Switzerland.
Swissinfo – Danser la vie au-delà du handicap. MOPS_DanceSyndrome
Azione – Inclusione a passo di danza. MOPS_DanceSyndrome
On the latest issue (September 28th, 2020) of Azione, you can look at my reportage about MOPS_DanceSyndrome, a company composed only of Down dancers, in Canton Ticino, Switzerland.