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Azione – Una donna tra i rapaci

Azione – Una donna tra i rapaci

On the latest issue (January 25th, 2021) of Azione, you can look at the reportage I did with the journalist Harald Maass about Falcons in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

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360°- Coupez-lui la langue

360°- Coupez-lui la langue

On the latest issue of 360°, you can look at the reportage we did with the journalist Harald Maass about Transgender People and LGBT in Armenia.

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L’illustré – Rock’n’roll merlot !

L’illustré – Rock’n’roll merlot !

On the latest issue (October, 2019) of L’illustré (aldente #02 2019), you can look at my reportage about a Merlot wine dedicated to the Swiss rock band Gotthard for an unique vintage bottle: Magnificents’ 17.

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Azione – Soccorritori per scelta

Azione – Soccorritori per scelta

On the latest issue (June 11, 2018) of Azione, you can look at my reportage on the Croce Verde Lugano and the daily work of paramedics to save lives in Ticino, Switzerland.

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Azione – Ospiti a Corippo

Azione – Ospiti a Corippo

On the latest issue (December 4th, 2017) of Azione, you can look at my picture on the cover about Corippo, the smallest village in Switzerland.

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Azione – I garanti della sicurezza

Azione – I garanti della sicurezza

On the latest issue (October 2, 2017) of Azione, you can look at two pages on the TPO (Transport Police) of the Swiss Federal Railways. "I garanti della sicurezza" in Azione (PDF) More pictures on

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