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Apulia, Italy – Photography journey 2017

Apulia, Italy – Photography journey 2017

"At the time of the olives" Photographic journey in Apulia, Italy, December 1-6, 2017 Live an unique experience in Southern Italy during a travel photographic workshop. The trip will offer you unique opportunities to take pictures in the wonderful Italian countryside...

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Master Class Academy of Arts, Novi Sad

Master Class Academy of Arts, Novi Sad

Thanks to the Mali Princ Foundation I was invited to teach a Master Class (Lecture and Portfolio Review) at the Academy of Arts, University of Novi Sad, Serbia. April 26-27, 2017.

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Albania – Photography journey 2017

Albania – Photography journey 2017

"Between fresco and hammer" Photographic journey in Albania, May 12-21, 2017 Live an unique experience in Albania during an itinerant photographic workshop. Details of the trip are available in French, but both photographer and guide speak fluent English. If you are...

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Visual Storytelling – Workshop 2016

Visual Storytelling – Workshop 2016

Thanks to all participants of the workshop Visual Storytelling: the Art of Reportage organized by LuganoPhotoDays at CSIA in Lugano (Switzerland) during the weekend of November 12-13, 2016.

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Die Entwicklung eines eigenen Fotoprojektes

Die Entwicklung eines eigenen Fotoprojektes

Titel Autorenfotografie - Die Entwicklung eines eigenen Fotoprojektes Kursdauer 6 Tage Beginn / Ende Fr, 04.11.2016 - Sa, 14.01.2017 Ort MAZ - Die Schweizer Journalistenschule Murbacherstrasse 3 6003 Luzern (Schweiz) Max. Teilnehmende 12 Anmeldeschluss Fr, 19.02.2016...

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The Art of Storytelling – Workshop in Zingst

The Art of Storytelling – Workshop in Zingst

For all of you interested in The Art of Storytelling, please join me for a workshop in Zingst (Germany) from 28th to 30th of May 2016. For details and application click here. You can check here images and feedbacks from previous workshop in Zingst. [singlepic id=98 w=...

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Feedback from LuganoPhotoDays

Feedback from LuganoPhotoDays

The workshop at LuganoPhotoDays, from October 12 to 17 2013, was a great teaching experience. I'm happy to announce the creation of a Students' gallery on this website with a selection of their images and feedbacks.

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Didier Ruef is happy to announce that he will teach a 6 days workshop (october 12 -17) at LuganoPhotoDays.

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