
The Guardian – Homo Helveticus

Apr 9, 2019 | Book, Media, Photography | 0 comments

On the web site of The Guardian from April 9th, 2019, you can look at a selection of pictures from my book Homo Helveticus.

Didier Ruef has been photographing Switzerland for 30 years. His new book, Homo Helveticus, contains images of the country and its inhabitants that present an unexpected view.

The Guardian. April 9th, 2019

The book Homo Helveticus by Till Schaap Edition with a foreword written by Thomas Maissen in german, french and english languages.

168 trichromatic B&W photographs.
29,5 x 32 cm, 208 pages,
CHF 59.–/ Euro 55.–

You can order the book on www.didierruef.com


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